Firecat Track Adjuster Block

P/N 04-110 Firecat/Sabercat Billet Track Adjuster Block

   There’s nothing like billet components on the skid frame, the most highly stressed part of your snowmobile. For years track adjuster blocks and wheel spacers have been made from cheap plastic. For years trail riders have been stranded because of unnecessary failures of these components. Firecats are no exception. especially when traction and performance components are added. That’s why we say “Go Billet or go Home”. Replaces Arctic Cat P/N 2604-635/1704-490 Short.

05+ Fire Cat, Sabre Cat, Track Adjuster Block.
07+ F-Chassis Track Adjuster Block.

  • 1303 Manitou Rd.
    Hilton, NY 14468
    Business Hours:
    Eastern Time
    9-5 Mon,Tue,Wed,Fri
    9-6 Thur
    9-2 Sat

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